This juice pack is for the individual who is familiar with the variations of juicing and cleanses and is incorporated into your lifestyle. May be looking for something to complement specific health goals or restock their weekly juice supply.
Frequency: 5x a day. 7 Days. 35 juices (Up to 7 Flavors).
Benefits: May be used as a meal replacement to provide a variety of nutrients and antioxidants.
Recommended Juice Flavor Options: Cleanse, Hangover, Hydrate, Green Juice #3, Fiber, Green Juice #1, Green Juice #2, Digestive System #1, Digestive System #2, Pineapple Juice, Apple Juice, Celery Juice. See Menu Tab for Additional Options & Ingredients.
Flavor Profile of Juices: Provides a full range of flavors from sweet, bitter, and savory.
iAm a Juice Pro (7 Day)
Consume within 5-7 Days of Purchase.